Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to dyeing big yarns

    2. Tools and tips

    3. More technical tips

    4. Color sketching

    5. Can you add more colors ?

    6. Second layer of color painting

    7. Third layer of color painting

    8. Fourth layer of color painting

    9. And finally the 5th layer

About this course

  • $19.00
  • 9 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

Discover your potential, starting today

About this class

Per request I am starting to add tutorial on how I dye my yarns. On each on this colorways classes there will be a first section in which I share a bunch of tips regarding the dyeing of bulky hand spun yarn in merino untreated. In the videos I mention one per one each acid dye color I use with the number and brand. If this is not your first dye tutorial with me you may want to skip the first section. I hope this can help you and please message me on messenger if you need help. I can always add extra videos to this class.

This class is bilingual French / English

Classe bilingue Francais / Anglais

A la demande j'ajoute quelques tutoriels expliquant de facon détaillée comment je teins mes fils. A chaque tutoriel il y a une premiere section ou j'explique tous mes trucs concernant specifiquement la teinture de laine bulky filée main en merino non traité. Dans les vidéos je mentionne une par une chaque couleur, son numéro et la marque. Si ce n'est pas votre premier tutoriel avec moi, vous aurez peut être envie de passer outre les premieres vidéos pour aller aux couleurs directement. Sachez que je peux toujours ajouter d'autre vidéos en extra a ce cours, donc n'hésitez pas a demander.


Joyce Huard

Fibre Artist

I’m a 46 years old Canadian textile artist living in Quebec province. Of course I have always been a heavy crafter since my childhood. My maternal grand mother was doing all kind of needle work and she was a skilled seamstress with unlimited patience, and endless determination to run large projects. My paternal grand mother owned a sewing business for I few years when I was a child. I think my love for the yarns and textiles starts from there. Babysitters could easily forget I was there if I had a needle and some thread... When I went to the fashion school, we made a trip to a mill where they were making yarns and weaving tweeds. I always had a big love for wool, and heavy fabrics with texture. I became addicted to jackets and coats making, but hunting the perfect fabric was long and disappointing. I started to add yarns, fringes, and embroidery to my sewing projects. But I was not fully happy. When we went back to Canada, I started to included sweater pieces, hand knits and crochet to my clothes, mixed with fabrics. But I was still feeling unsatisfied. Finding the perfect yarns, or fabrics was impossible. Since my neighbors have a sheep farm, I had this idea to ask them to take the fleeces and try to make yarn, so I could create exactly what I need. My intention was also to weave my fabrics and try some felt. I had no idea at all in which adventure I was diving in...and no experience in hand spinning, felting or weaving whatsoever. So I saved my money and bought my kiwi wheel with my beloved giant bobbin. Then a carder...a loom, dyes, and you know the suite... After a very successful crowdfunding campaign that allowed me to buy new tools, I started to create content for my patrons on Patreon, by sharing live videos of my daily work, exclusive YouTubes, patterns and tutorials. I’m now very deep down the rabbit hole of fibre arts, and with my new studio now I could play with my sewing machines, the wheels, the loom, the dyes, and I have total control of what I’m creating, and a lot of fun. There is no words to describes the sentiment of satisfaction when you start from dirty smelly fleeces and end up with a colourful wearable piece of clothing. I recently created my stand alone website,, where you can find the links to my socials media’s and see my current work. Happy visit! Joyce